2020-06-29  |  


Yanqi Lake [Photo via]

Huairou District is located in the northeast of Beijing, with a total area of 2,122.8 square kilometers, 89% of which is mountainous area. The district is the second largest area in the city with a permanent resident population of 422,000. In 2023, its GDP reached CNY 48.26 billion. Hairou District is in the warm temperature semi-humid climate with four distinct seasons, rain and heat in the same period. It's humid in summer, cold in winter with little snow. The annual average temperature is from 9 to 13 degrees centigrade.

The name of "Huairou" enjoys a long history, which appeared as early as 1,300 years ago in the Tang Dynasty. In 1368 AD, the Ming Dynasty, Huairou County was set up, whose jurisdiction was basically the same as that of today's Huairou District. Huairou has a beautiful ecological environment and is known as the "Pearl of Beijing Suburb" and the "Backyard of Beijing". APEC meeting and the first and second sessions of Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation and other high-level meetings were successfully held at Yanqi Lake International Convention Center of the district. China Meeting Industry Convention (CMIC) and Beijing International Film Festival have been permanently located in Huairou.