Xicheng District



Beihai Park [Photo via tuchong.com]

Xicheng District is one of the core functional areas of Beijing. It is a critical district to Beijing's protection of historical and cultural relics. Xicheng is also an important window for displaying China's national image and facilitation of international exchanges. Xicheng District covers an area of 50.7 square kilometers and has jurisdiction over 15 sub-districts and 263 communities. In the year of 2023, Xicheng District's GDP reached CNY 600.27 billion, up by 5.8% compared with the previous year; the secondary industry contributed an added value of CNY 29.42 billion, and the tertiary industry added CNY 570.85 billion, accounting for 95.1% of the district GDP.

Xicheng District blends imperial and folk culture and is located where the city was built over 3,000 years ago and the capital functions converged over 800 years ago. It is home to 18 conservation districts of historic sites including Shichahai and Dashilan; 193 cultural relics under different levels of protection including Beihai, Jingshan Mountain and Prince Gong’s Mansion, 44 of which are under national-level protection; Scenic spots are abundant in the district, including famous sites such as Yuetan Park, Temple of Ancient Monarchs, Taoranting Park, Beijing Grand View Garden, and Prince Chun's Garden.

Xicheng District is home to top modern cultural facilities in China, such as the National Center for the Performing Arts and Beijing Tianqiao Performing Arts Center. It is also the base of national-level cultural and arts performing groups such as China National Peking Opera Company, National Theatre Company of China, National Ballet of China and China Broadcasting Performing Arts Troupe, as well as cultural exchange institutes such as the Geological Museum of China, Capital Museum, Beijing Planetarium, Beijing Xuannan Culture Museum and the Confucius Institute.