“Health Kit(健康宝 Jiankang Bao)”小程序上线发布啦!外籍人士可以通过微信、支付宝,搜索“Health Kit”小程序,查询自身健康状态。查询结果可以作为复工复产、出入社区等场景的防疫相关健康状态参考。

The Health Kit (Jiankang Bao) mini-program is now online! Foreign nationals may find the mini-program by typing "Health Kit" in the WeChat or Alipay search bar and check your registered health status. The Health Kit serves as a reference for assessing your fitness for going back to work, entering/exiting your residential community, and other situations concerning COVID-19 prevention and control. 

  • 在微信或支付宝搜索栏输入“Health Kit”。

    Type "Health Kit" in the search bar of WeChat or Alipay.

  • 点击进入小程序,选择语言。

    Access the mini-program and select the language. 

  • 填报个人姓名、护照号码,并拍摄入境时使用的证件关键信息页。

    Type in your name, passport number and take a picture of the key information page of the ID document you used for entering China.

  • 查询自身健康状态或代替他人查询健康状态。

    Check your own health status or others' on their behalf.

当您使用“Health Kit(健康宝 Jiankang Bao)”时,上传的证件信息应与您入境时所使用的入境证件照片页保持一致,以便于核验。

For the sake of verification, the ID information you upload when using the Health Kit should be the same as the one on the photo page of the ID document you used for entering China.

“Health Kit(健康宝 Jiankang Bao)”微信小程序

The Health Kit mini-program on WeChat

请扫描二维码,或在微信中搜索“Health Kit”小程序

Please scan the QR code or search for the Health Kit mini-program on WeChat

“Health Kit(健康宝Jiankang Bao)”支付宝小程序

The Health Kit mini-program on Alipay

请扫描二维码,或在支付宝中搜索“Health Kit”小程序

Please scan the QR code or search for the Health Kit mini-program on Alipay