(1) Cancel an application

Time: January 1 to March 8 or August 1 to October 8 each year

Main applicants of the household can log in to the system, enter the user center, click "My Household Application" (我的家庭申请) in the plates allocation section, then click "Cancel Application" (取消申请) in the upper left corner. Main applicants can also take their valid identity certificates and photocopies to cancel the application at the nearest district public service desks in Beijing Municipality.

(2) Reapply  

Time: January 1 to March 8 or August 1 to October 8 each year

Main applicants of the household can log in to the system, enter the user center and click "My Household Application" (我的家庭申请) in the quota allocation section, then click "Reapply" (重新申请) in the application form and follow the system instructions on filling in and submitting relevant information about the household applicants. Main applicants can also take their valid identity certificates and relevant photocopies to handle the new application at the nearest district public service desks in Beijing Municipality.

(3) Change of application

Time: January 1 to March 8 or August 1 to October 8 each year

For a household application, if the number of applicants from the household, within the valid application period, is changed due to death or birth while the main applicant remains unchanged, the application shall be changed.

Main applicants of the household can log in to the system, enter the user center, and click "My Household Application" (我的家庭申请) in the plates allocation section, then click "Change Application" (变更申请) in the application form and follow the system instructions to remove or add relevant applicants. Main applicants can also take their valid identity certificates and photocopies to handle changes of application at the nearest district public service desks in Beijing Municipality.