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A specimen of an Asian golden cat

On August 23, a public welfare exhibition named "Origin of Cats: An Exhibition of Felidae Evolution" opened at the National Museum of Natural History of China. This exhibition showcases a collection of 38 biological specimens, putting on display Felidae fossils and reconstructed images spanning diverse geological eras. Detailed explanations about 41 extant species of Felidae and information on their geographical distribution are also provided on site. The exhibition systematically presents the Felidae family's evolutionary journey extending from ancient times to the present, while also delving into their ecological roles and significance within the biosphere of the Earth.

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A specimen of a Pallas's Cat

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Visitors observe skull specimens of animals such as black bears, lions, wolves, and spotted seals.

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A young visitor views specimens of African lions, a leopard, and a South China tiger (from left to right).

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Visitors observe a specimen of a snow leopard.

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Specimens of an Asian golden cat and a skull

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A fossilized skull of a saber-toothed tiger

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Leopard specimen

(Source: The Beijing News)