On March 10, the Beijing Meteorological Service officially released their mini program entitled "Huafen Jiankangbao" to the public.

According to the Beijing Meteorological Service, pollen count reports and forecasts posted by their official WeChat account "气象北京" (ID: BJ-TQYB) have been moved to a new account "花粉监测预报" (ID: gh_a700c28413e9). In addition, a new mini-program, "Huafen Jiankangbao" was released to the public on March 10.

The latest forecast for the beginning of cypress pollen season has been posted on the new WeChat account. Be sure to follow the forecasts closely.

The mini-program now supports four functions:

1. Pollen monitoring and forecasts

- Continuous updates for pollen concentration in Beijing

- New 5-day pollen concentration forecasts every 12 or 24 hours

- Timely forecasts on the beginning, peak, and end of pollen season every year.

2. Pollen historical data tracking

- Access to day-to-day historical average pollen concentrations in different districts of Beijing

- Data download access for paid users

3. Access to pollen allergic group and allergy information

- Real-time generation of thermodynamic maps of those with allergies

- Visual display of allergenic plants varieties nearby according to user location

- Self-tracking of allergens

4. Pollen-related knowledge disseminating products

- Pictures and video clips introducing pollen-related knowledge

- Analytical products for pollen historical data

The new WeChat account is comprised of three sections:

1. Live pollen monitoring and forecasts

- Daily monitoring and forecasts on Beijing's pollen count report released from March 2 to September 30

- Timely forecasts on the beginning, peak, and end of pollen season every year.

2. General survey of those allergic to pollen

- Satisfaction survey for pollen information products

- General survey of those allergic to pollen

3. Pollen-related knowledge disseminating products

- Pictures and video clips introducing pollen-related knowledge

- Analytical products for pollen historical data

(Note: Content source is from Beijing Release)