• Expand the use of "single window" service. Utilize block chain technology to build a customs clearance logistics data sharing platform for Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei.
  • Lengthen the temporary import period for R&D test vehicles to two years.
  • Explore new ways to streamline cooperation between aircraft maintenance aviation component companies and repair sub-contractors and their businesses.
  • Establish an air cargo electronic information platform, which integrates vehicles, personnel, warehouses and other information to automatically match and finalize customs clearance in seconds.
  • We support the bonded goods stocking business of cross-border e-commerce, and implement bonded import for online shopping on a trial basis (regulatory code 1210).
  • We explore the possibility of allowing eligible outside the areas under special customs supervision to engage in bonded maintenance service with both material source and target market overseas. We also support the development of aviation supplies platform and build an aviation supplies exhibition and trading center.
  • We promote the bonded logistics model with the logistics chains of headquarters enterprises as units, and accelerate the pilot program of sharing bonded support for aviation supplies.
  • We fully adopt electronic manifest management for international transfers.
  • We streamline the quarantine and approval procedures for international exhibits and exempt relevant exhibits from inspection.